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Viewing Member - dirtycopper

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Thursday, October 4, 2012, 8:04:18 PM- Oh, I'll do it too. From Kricket's blog. LOL
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
If I were single...yep, as a threesome including Mrs. DC...yep.

2. Have you ever fantasized about someone on your friends list?
*grin* So pleading the 5th << I liked Kricky's answer so I'm stealing it. tongue

3. Have you ever seen anyone on your friends list on webcam?
Several and can't wait to see more.

4. Have you ever spoken on the phone with someone on your friends list?
Yes, Kricket and Dum.

5. Have you ever met in person someone on your friend's list?
Just Kricket so far.

6. Have you ever accidentally prv' someone in chat by accident?
Rarely venture into chat so no.

7. Have you ever been in a hot and steamy prv with someone in chat and had the other person suddenly go, leaving your last raunchy statement posted publicly in the room?
See above, and No.

8. Have you even been carrying on two different naughty chats while in the NN chatroom?
See above

9. Have you ever been in NN chat while talking to someone physically in the same room as you are in while on the computer?
Chat no, status yes

10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
I've had scratch marks on my back from Mrs DC more than that aggressive? tongue

11. Do you love someone on your friends list?
I love many people on my friends list, several different ways < Stealing Krick's answer again.

12. Do you know all the people on your friends list?
No. I know some pretty well from status etc, some I don't.

13. Love or money?
Love. Money is nice but without love life suxs.

14. Credit cards or cash?
Neither, I'm broke. tongue

15. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't?
Not really. Got some I probably wouldn't associate with much if they weren't family. LOL

16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel?
Depends on my mood. Sometimes I like to just rough it. smile

17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex?
In a parking garage.

18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money?
How much money?

19. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Yes, and I'll go again...soon hopefully. LOL

20. Ever been to a bar?
Once or twice. tongue

21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?
Kicked no, thrown yes. tongue

22. Kissed someone of the same sex?

23. Favorite alcoholic drink?
Jack and Coke

24. Had sex in a movie theater?
Does a handjob count? tongue

25. Had sex in a bathroom?
Public or private? Yes to both. << Same answer, and a changing room too. tongue

26. Have you ever had sex at work?

27. Have you ever been in an "adult" store?
As often as possible.

28. Bought something from an adult store?
Again, as often as possible.

29. Have you been caught having sex?

30. Does anyone have naughty pics of u?
Only half of the internet..

31. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name?
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"lol it is good! Nice to get to know ya ;)"
- Northern Star

Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 1:00:03 AM- worried, confused, frustrated, and just a bit pissed off at the moment...
As many of you who frequent status know my Dad had an episode with his heart on Sunday and is still in the hospital.

A little history on Dad so you know what's going on....

Fifteen years ago he suffered a major heart attack. It was then we learned he had a bifurcated aortic valve, a birth defect that usually was detected long before it got as advanced as Dad's had gotten. He was 53 at the time and the oldest living person the cardiologist had ever seen with an untreated bifurcated valve.

Long story short he had open heart surgery and they replaced the valve with a bovine valve and installed a pacemaker. We were told then that bovine valves lasted an average of 15 years and that it would have to be replaced at some time.

Having gone untreated for so long there was severe damage to his heart and he is now disabled and can't work.

He also has major breathing problems (COPD, asthma, emphysema) and is severely restricted in what he can do these days. However, we've gotten fifteen more years with him we wouldn't have had if they hadn't of caught the disorder and saved his life.

Jump to the present....

Sunday he woke feeling bad and looking very pale and struggling to breath. Mom took him to the Heart Institute in Springfield and they said he was in ventral fibrillation, which is when the chambers of the heart get out of sync. The lower half of his heart was beating as fast as 170 bpm at times. His pacemaker had basically saved his life by correcting the arrhythmia 22 times since it had started at 3am.

Dad's cardiologist wasn't on call so he was seen by another Dr. at the heart institute and he told us that Dad had congestive heart failure and put him on a medicine that finally regulated his heart beat and stopped the arrhythmia. Due to Dad's COPD they can't keep him on it for long (they discontinued it this afternoon but his heart is maintaining a normal rhythm still) and put him in cardiac intensive care.

He told us that Dad would need a heart catheterization to assess the damage to his heart and that most likely he would need to have the valve replaced again and a pacemaker/defibrillator installed.

The pacemaker specialist, another cardiologist, came in later that evening and basically told us the same thing. He said Dad would need to be treated for the fluid on his lungs etc before they could do surgery and that he would most likely be in the hospital for several weeks.

Monday the pacemaker specialist was back, pretty much saying the same things and ordered a heart cath and an echo-cardiogram. Dad's cardiologist still hadn't been in at this point.

He finally put in an appearance Monday afternoon and said that Dad didn't have congestive heart failure, that is was just pneumonia, and that the stress on his heart had triggered the arrhythmia. He told us Dad would be treated for the pneumonia and would probably go home as early as Weds.

When asked about the echo-cardiogram and heart cath he said he'd canceled them as they weren't necessary since it was just pneumonia. "I've seen your chest xray and that's all it is," he insisted.

An hour after he left the pacemaker specialist was back. He reordered the echo-cardiogram and told us we wouldn't have the results until sometime today and said once again that it was not pneumonia and that Dad would most likely need open heart surgery.

He was back this morning with the results of the test and told Dad and Mom that the bovine valve was failing and needed to be replaced. He said he would contact the cardiologist and recommend that Dad get a heart cath and a consult with a cardiac surgeon.

The cardiologist came in late this afternoon and told us that Dad was doing fine and might even be moved to a regular room. He insisted that there was nothing wrong with Dad's heart or the valve and that it was "just pneumonia".

When Mom asked about the echo-cardiogram he said he hadn't seen the results and didn't need to see them. Mom said he then went into a long rant about how Dad most likely had sleep apnea and insisted Dad have a sleep study done. Mom said anytime she even asked about the valve or Dad's heart the cardiologist would just ignore her or insist that Dad has pneumonia.

So now we're confused, worried, and frustrated. We have one doctor telling us he's just got pneumonia and refusing to look at tests results other doctors have ordered.

We have another doctor, and several cardiac nurses, telling us this is serious and he needs surgery and soon.

Dad even requested that the tests results be forwarded to the surgeon who did his surgery the first time and the cardiologist said it wasn't necessary.

When we asked the nurse about having another cardiologist look at the results she said that none of them would. She also said that if we "fired" the cardiologist none of the other doctors at the heart institute would take Dad as a patient.

We're considering having him moved to another hospital for treatment as we are quickly loosing faith in his cardiologist. Our biggest fear is that if the cardiologist is wrong and Dad goes home in a few days he might have another incident of v-fib and his pacemaker might not be able to correct it. This would be fatal and we feel like this doctor is putting his ego ahead of Dad's life.

One of my sister-in-laws is a nurse in the cardiac surgery unit at the hospital Dad is in. She's going to ask one of the other doctors, as a personal favor, to take an "unofficial" look at Dad's test results and give us his opinion.

Keep him, and us, in your thoughts and prayers please.


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"steady my man...I have learned a few things the hard way and here it is for what it is worth.......drs. do not like to be questioned or second guessed ......they will just walk away from you ...I have had that happen ........I have 1 question.....why is what the weekend dr and some nurses says more important than the cardiologist ?????? who does this type of thing for a living ..after all did you have the local gp do his heart surgery ???????....I know how frustrating it is dealing with the medical people ..and all of them are "experts"......Haven't helped much 2 cents worth ...give you something to ponder .......there are times I have worried ....and at some point you have to trust someone ......they took out my throat ..and I still wonder if that was necesary at times ...I do know I am cancer free for a time now and that is good"
- bodymaster4u2

Monday, September 24, 2012, 2:46:45 AM- Just what is out there when Death finally comes for all of us?
I know many of us have our opinions and there are various religious teachings on the matter, but today I heard from someone who'd been there and come back.

Two months before the massive heart failure that took his life John had surgery to repair a leaking heart valve. Due to the condition of his heart it was a risky but necessary surgery.

I knew that after the surgery in the middle of the night his heart had stopped for a period of about a minute. His defibrillator had gone off four times and finally restarted his heart.

I saw a video today in which John described what happened to him during that short time period.

It was short but powerful. He described a fading sensation as his heart quit. He felt the first jolt of the defibrillator shocking him but after that he didn't have any idea of what was happening here with his body.

Instead he said he felt like he was traveling. "I was leaving Earth," he said. "I didn't see a bright light or meet God or see any angels. But what I did experience was a sense of peace. It was overwhelming. Just that, just peace, but a peace that I can't describe and can only hope to experience again when my time finally comes."

It put into perspective the last words he'd said to a friend a few days before his death.

"I'm no longer afraid to die," he told his best friend.

Peace. I believe he found it once again.
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"Ive not experenced talking with anyone who has crossed over and come back .. I have held the hand of many who have crossed is such a peaceful time..I have seen them reach as if for someone, with such a calmness and happy look about them..I believe it to be loved ones who are waiting for them.."
- Northern Star

Saturday, September 22, 2012, 8:50:03 PM- Back home again.
It was a long weekend as you can expect. The church was filled today and the pastor told us there was seating for 1000 people.


We said our goodbyes, cried our tears, promised family and friends we hadn't seen in months or years we'd do better at keeping in touch, and cried some more.

This morning about 6AM I walked across the parking lot to Denny's to grab some breakfast for myself and Mrs. DC. Another gentleman was there waiting on a to go order and it turned out we were staying in the same hotel.

He said he was in town for a funeral and I told him I was too and then we realized it was the same funeral. Turned out this gentleman had worked at the YMCA at one point, where my cousin was an active volunteer with the youth sports program.

"John was always there for the kids no matter what," he told me. "I was shocked when I heard he'd passed and I hoped a plane from Dallas to come up and pay my respects."

We talked a bit and his order came and we said goodbye. As I sat there in the church I thought about that gentleman. He'd flown from Dallas TX to Troy MO just to pay his respects to a man he'd known five years before.

When my time comes will I have inspired that kind of respect and admiration in others? It's humbling to think that the man we all knew as a genius who couldn't change a light bulb without help touched so many so deeply during his to short life.

The more I talked with people over the last day and a half the more I realized that the loving father, avid sports fan, and general all around good guy I knew was just a few sides of a man who was deeper than I ever imagined.

As one of his friends said today...

"If there's anyone here who didn't love John, we're happy to know you got early parole." grin

(He was a former prosecuting attorney) tongue

To everyone, and there are too many to list as I'll forget someone and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, who expressed sympathy and offered words of support during this ordeal I offer a very humble "Thank You".

I could never repay what your support has been worth to me so I won't even try.

God (or your higher power of choice) Bless you each and every one.

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"I am just 27 years old but I think alot about my life. When it is over, will I have really made a difference in people's lives? I sure hope so... I try."
- T4Texas

Saturday, September 22, 2012, 2:50:01 AM- He was a good man.
I heard that over and over again today, and then they would go on to tell the little thing he'd done that to many didn't seem like much but to them had been special.

But it was the story of what he did for a high school freshman that said it all.

His oldest son came home and told him about a classmate who wanted to play football but couldn't afford the athletic fees or to purchase the equipment needed.

So John took the boy to the sports store and loaded him up with everything he needed and then some. As they were leaving the store the boy (who was from a very rough neighborhood) turned to him and said, "you know, this is the first time I've gotten something new that wasn't stolen"

Think about that for a minute, this kid was 14-15 and had never, in his memory, bought anything new from the store.

When his son told the story about what his dad had done a fund was established in his memory to purchase athletic equipment for underprivileged kids.

That's the kind of man he was. His generosity will go on touching others for years.

A court reporter who'd known him for years told me how smart and generous he was, how he knew everyone and never had a bad word to say about anyone no matter what.

"He was nearly perfect," she said, "and had only one fault. He was a Cubs fan." grin

We still can't figure out how he developed that little character flaw but he'd been a Cubby since he was very young. Coming from a family of Cardinal fans raised in Cardinal Country, it was always a mystery to us, and a source of lots of good natured ribbing.

So long to one of the smartest men I ever knew, to a good sport, a great father, and a man who could be a role model for all of us.

I'll miss you Cuz.

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"I am glad yall have good memories of a good man. Take care.... yall are in my thoughts."
- T4Texas

Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 12:08:08 PM- He's gone.
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"terribe news DC :( hugs to you ...thinking of you and your family are all in my prayers xxxx"
- Safire13

Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 11:33:34 PM- update
My cousin's wife and his two brothers made the decision today to discontinue life support. I agree with their decision wholeheartedly.

He will be missed but with no hope of any recovery I think it's the right thing to do.

The family informed the doctors of their decision around noon. I'm not sure what time they will actually remove the life support but I hope that the end comes swiftly and painlessly for him.

Thanks so much to all of you who've supported me through this. You're a wonderful bunch of friends.

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"I am very sorry to hear this :( My girlfriend is a physical therapist... she has a patient who is totally brain dead yet the keep him alive. It is so depressing to watch someone with zero quality of life so in my personal opinion it is for the best the decision they made. Again I am sorry...."
- T4Texas

Monday, September 17, 2012, 1:31:46 AM- Update.
The family met with the neurologist and a cardiac specialist today. Basically it boils down to bad news all around.

First, they ran some more test this morning and long story short his heart has suffered extensive damage. The heart specialist said he would be surprised if he last even a few more days.

Due to the severity of the brain damage and the continued swelling on the brain they are going to keep him sedated for another week at least.

They are monitoring the swelling on the brain. If it becomes to severe they will have to operate. If that happens there is a good chance that his heart wont take the strain.

If he survives we were told he will not be the same person we knew before this happened as the brain damage is severe enough it will change his personality at the least. Also, he will most likely have severe physical disabilities due to the brain damage.

The neurologist basically said that he doesn't recommend even trying to wake him up or do anything further until they see if his heart is going to hold out. The heart specialist was straight forward and said his chances are not good at all.

So, we keep praying for a miracle and waiting.

Once again thanks to everyone for their support. You don't know how much it means to me.

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"my prayers for all of you!"
- fantasm

Saturday, September 15, 2012, 9:06:48 PM- To true....
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"lol its kinda true."
- T4Texas

Friday, September 14, 2012, 9:31:22 PM- kate topless
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"Gotta love the new Royals hee hee just shows they are normal people too :) I love Kate..topless or not ;)"
- Northern Star

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