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Viewing Member - bluedragon53

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Sunday, January 27, 2008, 11:03:59 PM- What a great weekend!!
The weather has been good, my son and I spent real quality time togeather, lots of laughter too, plus a deep discussion on his 'anger' and how to deal with it...suggested that he talks to me if he feels angry, rather than just blowing up....and he admits he has an anger problem, so really feel like some progress being made.

My new 'mistress' (don't get excited, I mean my cat!) having had the stitches out on Friday has been manically, don't I laugh at her antics with the rugs at 3 in the "*%^$£! morning!!

The front garden has dozens of bulbs coming through, the sun has been shining, and I spent some time just exchanging a long stare with a deer at the bottom of my garden. Does life get much better....oh yes, and the mortgage payment has gone DOWN!!! Buns for tea tomorrow then!

AND, I'm in the office for the week, so get to come home at proper times too!

Going to bed with a smile and feelin' good! smile

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"made me smile"
- shesez

Friday, January 25, 2008, 10:46:08 PM- Where does the time go?
I don't know....just seems to vanish somehow! Another busy week, first big staging job of the year, which involved getting up at 4am (yuk!), driving for an hour or so, rigging the staging up, photographing a group of 270 16 yo kids, dismantling it all and driving home wonder I fell asleep on the sofa! Much prefer the filming side of my job, and being in the office editing.

Life with my son (have had prblems if you haven't read the forum thread!) is much better, at least he acknowledges the fact that he has problems with his anger, so have agreed to discuss it with him and he to talk to me when he feels that way rather than going full on into an argument. Now it looks like he is getting a bug, all aches and went to bed at 8....he must really be ill! Big thanks again to all who responded with helpful do sometimes forget that you aren't the only one!

Two real highlights to the week though (3 if you count the mortgage going down...whooppee!). Started back doing my voluntary radio work at the local Hospital, been unable to do it for a few months due to work, really enjoyed doing a 2 hour show, and played some damn good music to. Nothing to me beats clamping the headphones on and just loosing yourself in the words and music...roll on next week....busting with ideas now! The other real highlight was at long last having the stitches removed from my cat...she had the spaying done a couple of weeks ago and has been feeling a bit sorry for herself since as she had to wear one of those 'lampshade' collars. Now she refuses to leave my side and just wants lots of fuss. Great too to see her being able to groom herself again, she has spent ages washing since!!

Saw a friend of mine during the week to discuss his forthcoming 'marriage' to his partner, they are a gay couple. BUT, something was said that made wonder why we are generally (or at least a certain element of us) so intolerant of others. It was only a chance remark, but he said ' at least we have been accepted in the village and made welcome', which although is great and I feel pleased for them, it made me think 'why shouldn't they be?' Why does there still seem to be this fear of gay couples? Do people think they will catch AIDS just by talking to them? Are they afraid that they will try to 'convert' them? It's quite sad really. I have a 'live and let live' approach to life, and whilst I am not gay (sometimes wonder if I am bi curious though) I rejoice in their love for each other and their togeatherness. I also wonder whether people would feel the same way if it were lesbians setting up that more socially acceptable?

On a bright note to finish. Had the most amazing video clip sent to me the other day, relating to a woman who had nursed a lion cub (abandoned I believe by the mother) back to full health, but who couldn't keep it (naturally) and it was living in an animal sanctuary in the State's somewhere. However, the footage was of the woman being literally hugged by this huge fully grown lion through the bars of the paddock it was in, just like a domestic cat greets its owner, truly heartwarming.

Which leaves me to ask one question.....if the animal kingdom can do it, why can't us (allegedly superior) humans live in the same way?

As Dave Allen used to say....'goodnight, and may your God go with you!
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"so happy you and youe son are talking things of my kids is the same age as your son,well nearly and it's hard at times ,nothing you say is right!"
- wild-woodflower

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 9:59:17 PM- Tidying up!!
Courtesy of several erstwhile members, especially mdguy who sent step by step instructions to this computer idiot on how to do it!!

My thanks as always gentlemen....I'll possibly pick it up as I go along!!

Also to let you know, my cat (Florrie...don't ask!) had her check up at the vets after her op, and apart from the indignity of having a thermometer inserted in her (!!) passed with flying colours. Stitches out and cone off on Monday.

Later, but tired tonight!!
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"Woo hoo! Glad she's doing well, and good bit of tidying too. :)"
- mdguy

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 5:51:18 PM- Can you only do one at a time??
Oh well, another anyway!!

BUT, big thanks to mdguy and sallinque for their invaluable tips!
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"she's a stunner!"
- wild-woodflower

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 5:46:05 PM- Another go!
With a bit of luck....

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"She is GORGEOUS!.....& looks very happy too!"
- Louie-43

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 4:34:47 PM- I hate the flu!!
xxxxxx to take time off work through being laid low with a flu virus...feeling completely washed out, with all the attendant aches, headaches etc! How can some little bug, millions of which would fit on a pin head, make you so lethargic?!

Anyways, good excuse to catch up with this I guess.

My new cat (will post a pic soon as I download some...hopefully tomorrow) had her visit to the vet last Friday, for the 'dreaded' operation...only to find she had already been done! They still had to operate though, so she is currently feeling a bit sorry for herself while wearing what can only be described as a very fetching lampshade on her head! Poor love, must be sooo frustraing, as she can't make her usual fuss of me so easily, and can't wash either, though she has got me trained well, so she licks my fingers, and I 'wash' her face, then licks my fingers nauseum!! In a strange way it was quite funny to see her getting used to it while the effects of the anaesthetic wore off, kept walking into things before hiding behind the settee. Took the bull by the horn as it were at 2 in the morning, and carried her up to bed, then she snuggled up to me purring and bashing me in the head with the shade. Have to feed her more or less by hand at the moment to, as the shade tends to shovel the food on the floor! Oh the joys of cat ownership (or rather, she owns me...I believe the saying goes that 'dogs have owners, cats have staff'!!).

She is not the one that I was going to get from the RSPCA, regretably they had some sort of administrative mess up, which meant they lost my forms. In the meantime, we had 'adopted' this tabby at work, but generally agreed it was not the best place she could be, so it was agreed that I should do the recuing instead......very pleased about that too! She is a pretty tabby, with tortie underside, and the sexiest pair of knicks around! Very affectionate, and I look forward to many happy years of being at her beck and call! Am I just a big softie? Oh yes, but wouldn't have it any other way.

Had the pleasure of meeting another NN'er last week (won't say who til she agrees), but she was over from the States for a visit so had to meet. Despite having to cut short the evening (tell you in a mo), what a really lovely few hours over a meal in London. What a fascinating lady, we chatted easily and seemed to get on pretty well, look forward to more emails from her soon.

I say the evening was cut short, but a 'domestic crisis' son and 'ex' having a huge bust up, with her mother on the phone asking me to help. Had to go back and take him home with me, he stayed for some days, while I tried to get to the bottom of it all. I just feel so sad for his inner anger, blames himself and her alternately for our breakup, despite being loved by us both unconditionally (don't always 'like' him though....I'm sure other parents know what I mean by that), and with her and I still being very good friends.

She and her b/f coming over tonight to discuss what we can do about it, but our family doctor had a chat with him yesterday, and we know he is not ill, apart from not liking being told 'no', and having a typical 'only child' syndrome. Have any others of you been through a similar situation (might put this in a thread later on the forum too), do you have any suggestions? Would be very interested in any responses! However, I'm sure that things will improve, he is also going through puberty, and we all know what a disruption a few hormones can cause!!

What about this weather?! Been raining all day, the garden is waterlogged, and the stream at the bottom of my garden, normally a small trickle, has risen by about 3 foot and is a mini raging torrent. Thankfully it is about 15 foot lower than the house, so no risk of flooding as such. The big oak tree too has been bending alarming during the day....roll on the spring!

Right, am going to try downloading and attaching some pics in another small blog...keep your fingers crossed (and with thanks to mdguy for some hints on this....will blame him totally if it all goes wrong!!smile ).

Take care out there!
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"Yes,You're a big softy!No better way to be."
- wild-woodflower

Sunday, January 6, 2008, 8:59:34 AM- Just call me CatMan!!!
I love this type of Sunday morning...crisp frosty morning, mug of coffee, short 'perve' on some pics (and there are some real 'hotties' out there in NN land....I find it fun to look at other peoples friends too, discover some really nice people), the day to look forward to with my son, when I've picked him up, some 'private' photography for my sis in laws website with some young ladies modelling jewellry that she makes, and time to bring anyone 'wots' interested up to date with whats been happening!!

The reason for the title?? Well, firstly dissappointed in the RSPCA, still no sign of a home visit, and no reply to a message left, and regret that I will probably need to cancel me having the stray that I saw with them. BUT, and it's a big but, overjoyed with the events of the last few days....went back to work on Thursday to find everyone unhappy with us keeping the stray in our buildings, much as everyone loves her, the overall feeling was that it's not safe or fair on her (I had felt that right from the start to be honest). So decision was made....ask me to take her home!! So here she is, ensconsed in her new home! Been to vets, she is wormed now and de-flea'd, booked in to be spayed and 'chipped' next week, and the insurance is in place! After an initial mooch around, she has now discovered the four most important places in any cats world....1) the litter tray (and very fastidious she is too), 2) the food cupboard 3) the settee, and 4) her (sorry, that should be my!) bed..where she is currently lounging having been fed, fussed, groomed and generally adored. She is the most gorgeous (and almost perfectly symetrical) tabby, vets reckon about 18 months old, and getting back to a lovely condition. Made lots of enquiries all round where we work, but nobody knows anything, tried local vets and cats homes guess she really was lost.

Perhaps it's fate though, as some may know I had to have my other little lady 'put down' after Christmas....and this one just seemed to drift into my life....anyone else believe in fate like that?

My record with cats goes back to about age 4, always seem to remember my Mum having at least one cat. When I first married, we ended up with 3 Persians and a Westie, and my second marriage brought forth my gf's cat to join in, a sort of 'yob', who, had he been human, would have hung around on street corners with a knife, and would almost certainly be the owner of an 'asbo' (anti social behaviour order)!! But none the less he was a real cahracter, and I miss them all.

When I moved out into rented some years back, ended up befriending 2 of my neighbours cats, and since living in my own place again, my neighbours cat treats the place like an hotel, and I feed another apparently stray each day too. So, hence call me 'CatMan'!!

As soon as I can work out how to attach pics to here, I will post some of my new arrival (any one got any tips on how to post on this bit...please feel free to PM this computer illiterate!)...the instructions above look like chinese to me.

Also in the news the last few days....had a long chat to my NN friend over from the States at the moment (won't name her at the mo), and look forward to meeting up with her next week! All seems a bit surreal though....we have seen each other 'sans clothes' via NN, and yet we chatted like we'd known each other for years...perhaps nudity is really a levelling ground?

Anyways, time for a shower, then on with the day!
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"So pleased to hear about the cat..what a great story,you have a great heart..all the best for next exciting for you!"
- wild-woodflower

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 12:24:53 AM- Now, please don't get me wrong....
It's not that I don't like Christmas, and it was a pretty good one, but after all the hype and build up (from about Septemeber!) I really love to clear the decs away and ahve a damn good tidy up. Perhaps I'm just getting old, but after a few days of 'non routine' I'm ready to get back into my established ways! Highlights for me were a 'suprise' boozy Christmas afternoon and a meal with my neighbours, several evenings of socialising with good friends, seeing my son's face on Boxing Day opening his presents from me (and later his face when I bought him a new bowling ball for his birthday), and best of all sitting with him watching TV in my dressing gown at 11 in the morning....bliss!

His birthday is New Years Day....and he is now officially a teenager (best quote from him the day before was 'enjoy me while you can'!). The party was at my place, with 8 of his mates....but so different. All they really wanted to do was eat, play with their mobile phones and watch a DVD while being waited on! The adults were accused of being too noisy and banished to the kitchen! Whatever happened to party games and jelly and ice cream?!! As he says...'wha ever', he had the best party ever according to him....I just look forward to his 18th when I can give him money and send them down the pub!!

Back to the grindstone tomorrow (though been in a lot over the holiday anyway), actually looking forward to it. I consider myself one of those lucky people that has a job I really enjoy doing (I am a photographer/videographer/editor) with a boss who lets me get on with it, so yes, I am lucky.

Still waiting for the RSPCA to organise the 'home visit', just very eager to fill the emptiness of the house now that my dear little 'lady' is no longer around. How come cats can have such a hold over us? Don't bother to answer that, there was a thread about it which got some lovely replies. Ut they do (well, most animals rreally), and I just miss the little habits and cuddles!! I'm just a softie really!

New Year, new ambitions. What have YOU decide to do? My priorities are spending more time with my boy, getting the back garden sorted and made into something special, and (please don't laugh!) getting the huge model railway in the attic finished! No, I don't consider myself an anorak, but it can be so relaxing building scenery and model house (and anyway, Rod Stewart, Pete Waterman etc etc have a similar interest!) Any other NN'ers like model railways....come on, be honest, I can't be the only one surely?

Other ambitions? Well, last year I did something completely out of character and joined NN, and published pics of me 'nekkid'. Big step for me as I'm actually quite reserved, but so glad I did, have 'met' some really good people here, and of course, been able to look at lots of gorgeous women too!! This year I am determined to sample the delights of a naturist beach or two here in the UK, and to achieve another dream of actually getting to do some good nude photography....just need to find some willing posers!

So, away to my bed, time to read for a while (currently re-reading 'Grumpy Old Men' (a pressie from my ex...any subtle hints there do you think?!!) and apparently, will wake to a blanket of snow!!

....assuming the weather people have got it right!!!
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"Happy New Year. I'm so pleased you joined NN too! Hugs xxxx"
- Anya32

Sunday, December 30, 2007, 12:36:58 AM- Blog Virgin no more !!
Well, assuming this works anyway!

It was a good Christmas in most ways, and as I was on my own on Christmas Day (my son was with me Boxing Day so we made that our Christmas Day....confused, you will be!), my neighbours 'dragged' me in late afternoon, plyed me with alcohol and then xxxxxx me to join them for a roast beef dinner. I resisted valliantly for all of 5 seconds, then had a superb and very unexpected Christmas! Ain't it wonderful to have neighbours like that.

Sad part of the week was having my little 'patches' put down (thread in discussion on forum). Took her in as a stray end of August from a friend who found her where she lived. Dirty, flea ridden and as thin as a rake, but with a huge amount of love in her. Spent loads of time getting her cleaned up, but she never really gained much weight. Was fine for a while, but lost her weight and strength over Christmas, and was just pitiful to see, so the tough decision was made. Just hope she's happy 'up there' and giving the angels as much love as she gave me!

Happier times though, have now arranged 'adoption' of a gorgeous 'lady' from the this space.

Last I going to get as addicted to blogging as I am to NN in general??!!
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"Oh yes it's even more addictive! lol It's more personal.

Sorry about your pet sweetie, hope your new one is just as loving. Credit to you that you're getting him from the RSPCA.

Welcome to blogland. You'll love it! Hugs xxxx"
- Anya32

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