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Viewing Member - Digoree

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 1:18:02 AM- *Wails!*
I didn't want to go back to school today. In fact, it seemed everything I could do to delay the process I did, from forgetting to pack one thing to spilling coffee on myself. But eventually I did leave the house and made the drive back to school, which was rough. I'm still getting over the cold and there were some points on the drive I just felt terrible. Sick to my stomach or exhausted or hot. Oi.

My babies gave me plenty of love before I left though. But seriously. Who would want to leave this?!


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"Sooooo cute!"
- moisha

Monday, March 22, 2010, 1:15:37 AM- Dinner Table Talk
So we're sitting at the dinner table watching some challenge or other on the Food Network and one woman's working on a sort of chocolate and peanut butter torte and she mentions how after she broke up with her bf she ate that and suddenly everything felt much better.

Me: Well..duh. Considering chocolate has the same chemical reactions in the brain as an orgasm of course she'd feel happier.

*pause and glance at my mother, realizing that's probably not the BEST thing to say at the dinner table, but mom and dad are just laughing.*

Mom: Really now?

Me: Well, yeah. Chemically at least, I mean, it doesn't have the same physical 'bzaahhhh!'

Mom: Oh, no no. I've had some that had the bzahhhh!

*All of us laughing now*

Me: *looking at dad* You got out done by a Hershey bar!

Dad: No. An Almond Joy.

*everyone laughs again*

Dad: See, it was the little bumps that did it.

Mom: I once heard that you know you've had a *really* good orgasm when it's like... SHOPPING!

xD Oh mai god. The things my conservative 'rents say sometimes.
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"Hehe! :-) Cool one!"
- steelmist

Saturday, March 20, 2010, 5:19:46 PM- Thank goodness
Feeling better today. Sorta. I'm not as irritated with people and dad showed me how to make the MOST amazing ribs last night, so this weekend when I go to Ash's we'll make ribs together and hopefully it'll come out just as well.

On the other hand, I caught mom's cold, so I'm more or less down. I've been in and out napping most of the day, curled up on the couch with my comp sometimes and other times I'll watch tv or draw. My rats are a little upset too, because I'm not playing with them, which is so cute. I'll get up to go to the bathroom and have to pass they're cage and they'll follow me and then climb up and cling to the bars waiting for me. Or Ufn will sit on the second level closest to the couch and watch me. So cute, makes me feel so bad lol

Did get a picture done though I've been thinking for a while. Go me :3

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"you make me wanna get rats again :)"
- splatt85

Friday, March 19, 2010, 10:32:19 PM- I'm tired
of people around me thinking I'm not in a relationship because I don't want to be. For accusing me of having ridiculously high standards and then telling me 'oh never drop your standards!' like suddenly they're something to be proud of, when a few days ago they were shaking their head and tutting at them. I'm tired of people asking for my advice on relationship stuff and then when it's not what they want to hear they say 'well, you've never been a *real* relationship. So you just don't really know or understand. No offense!'

No. Much offense.

It's just all exhausting.
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"Who you do or do not let into your life and your heart is only - and always ever will be - your own business."
- johnnyc2k

Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 12:13:53 AM- New pets
So this past weekend I visited home and mom mentioned how petsmart had some hamsters on sale and that they were day-time creatures instead of being nocturnal. My response was 'oh cool! let's go check them out!' So dad and I did and it was fun but then I saw that Dumbo Rats were also active during the day. So I held a few hamsters and then I held a few rats and I went home to think about if I really wanted to get some, because if I did this weekend then I would need to be home more often to actually help raise them.

But I did my research, and decided to go ahead with it. I went to the store and bought two rats and then all the other stuff that went with them. I got Skwisgaar and Toki (named after the two guitarists from Metalocalpyse :3) Skwisgaar took to the new change VERY well. She was super excited and ran all over and was very curious. She and Filo are really interested in each other too. They'll sit nose to nose just sniffing each other.

Toki. Well... she checked out the cage some and then ran to hide in a corner and didn't come out the rest of the night if people were around. When everyone went to bed she came out a little but didn't really DO anything. Just kind of wandered the cage and would sit in a spot for a while. I thought she was just more chill since she was older than Skiwsgaar. Then the next day dad and I decided the cage was just way too small for them, so I bought another and we jerry rigged the two together. Skwisgaar again took to it very well and was super curious and excited. Toki curled up in the corner again and refused to move much.

So I at one point my hand was in the cage and I was petting Toki and she nipped my finger really hard. See... it was different from Skwisgaar. Skwisgaar would do nibbles where she just works at the finger and chews at the nails and that's all. Sometimes she chews a little hard but nothing serious. Toki nipped REALLY hard. So I gave her some space and a few hours, figuring she was probably upset with the change. I came back later and petted her again and she seemed fine, turned and sniffed my fingers and then just BIT REALLY HARD. Broke the skin. =/

So... dad, mom and I talked about it and we decided maybe she's just not comfortable in this environment with the dogs and whatnot. While yeah, maybe she needs more time to warm up, we only have two weeks to figure out if we like it or not, and either way I wasn't comfortable handling Toki anymore anyway for fear of her biting me again. That shit hurts more than I thought it would x.x

So this morning before I left to go back to college dad and I returned her to the store and the salesclerk explained to me that sometimes the love connection just WASN'T there. That's why they had return policies in the first place. I checked out a few others and found one MUCH more playful and brought her home and she took to the new setting and cage with the same gusto as Skiwsgaar.

So, hopefully it all works out =) Dad told me they're still doing fine and the two are getting along well with each other. I'm going to try and go home again this weekend, if I can afford it. But the two of them are cute and I'm excited about this.

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"nice!!!! over the yrs i have had 6 rats, and 2 that give birth to 20 or so rats between them, they are soooo fun, friendly, smart, clean and ooo so fun to play with"
- splatt85

Thursday, February 11, 2010, 2:59:00 AM- I met
playwriter Roger Rueff today. Pretty cool guy.
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- Coma Black

Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 6:16:18 PM- So tired
Of the attitudes around here. My creative writing classes are bad enough (being laughed at when I say my opinion of a published poem and then telling me what the author MOST LIKELY meant, having broads bitch at the entire class for not putting more than one comment on their poem, and then complaining because we didn't give her enough POSITIVE feedback), but the last thing I need is to deal with more attitude from the Spirit Club president.

Last week there were two songs to be interpreted and taught. It was being taught by two OTHER interpreters, not me. So I skipped the club meeting since I wasn't teaching anything and had papers to work on anyway, and I'm only there to interpret the songs and help out here or there, not much else. I've made that perfectly clear.

Well, one of the interpreters who was SUPPOSED to teach a song suddenly had to work and didn't go either. Then I get an email today from the club president saying:

"I want the songs to be interpreted by next week, cannot have it that we only teach one song a week. If you have a problem accomplishing this please let me know, and we will figure something out."

To which I responded "An 'I would like' or a 'please and thank you' is always nice.

Seriously. I'm fucking doing this because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to. I joined the club because I like some of the people there, but this new president is rubbing me in all the wrong ways. At least the one we had before her, even when upset about something, was always very polite. Even after I TOLD this new president last semester I wouldn't be there all the time, she has to snip this semester about it. The last time we met she went on in front of the entire club about how SHE'S interning as a teacher and still has time for the club.

The song's already interpreted, and I was planning on teaching it next meeting anyway.

This broad doesn't seem to realize that she doesn't NEED me and I certainly don't NEED the club. If it's SUCH a big deal, she can interpret it on her own. She knows more ASL than I do after all and since she has plenty of time for the club, why not do it herself?

I'm so fucking ready to graduate and get away from these few people that are ruining the college for me >.<
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 10:44:08 PM- /me bangs head on her desk
It's really, really, REALLY hard to focus on writing a paper when you're horney!
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"Double click the mouse maybe????? I'm no help at all. I have not written a paper in so long I forget what its like."
- Coma Black

Monday, February 8, 2010, 12:33:15 AM- Her Valentine
In poetry we're looking at sonnets, which really aren't my thing because they require end rhyming, which always ends up sounding hokey to me. But I sat down today and worked on a couplet sonnet, which is a sonnet made up of seven rhyming couplets (aabbccddeeffgg). Well. I did one, except it's made up of eight, so I'm probably going to get REAMED by my class for having the gal.

But I'M damn proud of it.

Her Valentine

what do you think of this?
he asks, pulling her aside just before they miss
the final bell, before classes start
a velvet red box, a golden heart.
it’s really pretty, she meekly whispers
already thinking of other girls who simper
with their gifts of lacey pink cards,
teddy bears, roses and chocolate bars.
fourteen febs come and gone. sitting at home
sweetheartless, gorging on chocolate, alone.
finally something for herself, a treasure
she’d keep forever, her little secret pleasure.
he smiles, satisfied with her answer and she watches confused
as he turns and leaves with just a thank you
and gazes on that afternoon
as he delivers it to the pretty brunette on the other side of the room.
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And this coming from a self-described rhymer. I never write poetry that doesn't rhyme, I find mine sounds angsty and pretentious when it's free-verse and delicious and perfectly contained when it's structured and rhymed. So, yeah, this poem is terrific. You had me giggling at the end."
- scientificseductress

Saturday, February 6, 2010, 3:52:46 PM- I have decided
that I will go to graduate school. I kinda had figured against it, since I don't think I want to be a psychologist, but at the same time these 400 level classes I'm taking have been phenomenal and I figure if graduate school is like this, I could get used to that.

So there's two about an hour away from home each that dad and I are going to check out, when I get home. The catch is one of them requires 3 letters of recommendation, so I kinda gotta dig into my teachers here and see which, if any, would be willing to type me up one. The school didn't necessarily say they had to be from the college I'm at now, so I could always go back to my first college too. I was pretty popular there with the faculty. It's easy to get on a teacher's good side when you know what they like.

My former Comp I and II teacher was a lesbian and the most bad ass lady I'd ever met. So on Valentine's Day instead of having lecture for class, we could read a poem poem, sing a song, bring in some food, give a little speech, ANYTHING to do with love and present it to the class and we would get bonus points on our final grade.

So there was this song from "The Wild Party" called "Old Fashioned Love Story" and it's basically about this lesbian at a party trying desperately to find some girl to have sex/be in a relationship with and it's this very campy song and I sang it, knowing the teacher would love it. Annnnnd she sure as hell did.

So, shit like that gets you on a teacher's good side. Too bad nothing like that happens here at this college much lol

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