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Viewing Member - Dem1981

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 10:44:52 PM- There's alot to be said for experience!
Two posts in a week… Maybe I’ve rediscovered my muse!?!? Though more likely is a certain ‘reader’ chastising me for being so lapse lol, either way I think I should blog about our most recent ‘visitor’.

For reasons that are not all that cryptic, I will call this one ‘nipples’ (both to protect his identity and as a good mental reminder for me). We met, as many of my conquests do, on an adult social networking site.

Very laid back, not at all pushy, easy going, genuine bloke, who seemed to grasp the whole concept of NSA fun, he has at least 10 years on me but there’s a lot to be said for experience!

The first time we met it was just the two of us, not our usual arrangement but he didn’t seem to mind having me all to himself. He was a bit nervous which is understandable, but didn’t take a lot of coercing to get ‘stuck in’ so to speak. Now, as a female, you hear a lot of people (especially men) boast about how much they enjoy giving oral, but in my experience this isn’t necessarily the case as it’s usually very regimented and minimal. However, ‘nipples’ was one of those chaps that genuinely seemed to enjoy nothing more than burying his head deep between a pair of legs, ravenously lapping up every inch, alternating techniques and speed to send radiating shivers across your body. So, all in all a jolly good first meet!

Unsurprisingly he was invited back! This time though I made sure that we at least had a photographer. Initially the evening was supposed to entail having a few gentlemen round (at the same time) but for one reason or another it turned out that only ‘nipples’ could make it (still well worth the lippy). Anyway, he turned up, with wine (good man) and looked even more nervous than the first time bless him. I think this was largely due to the fact that we were not alone, and the idea of an audience can be rather daunting. So me being the gracious host (not) I decided to ease the tension and whilst chatting removed my knickers! Yep that’s right, without stopping what I was saying I reached up under my skirt, took hold of the lacy material and pulled them down and off, and with a very unladylike flourish at the end flung them over to Eeyore. Now I should add that at the time I was sitting next to ‘nipples’ on the sofa with my legs across his lap, so there was little he could do to pretend he hadn’t noticed lol. To keep the momentum going I slid down and rested my head on the arm of the sofa making my skirt ride up. Slowly I began to run my hand down the inside of my thigh, until it reached the freshly shaved smooth flesh, and began to stroke my clit. Groaning, I tilted my hips to allow my fingers full access to my dripping cunt. Before too long ‘nipples’ had slid out from under me and onto the floor so he was kneeling between my legs. Again he wasted no time in delving his tongue into the warm moist folds of my pussy, until I could bear it no longer, and unnoticed to me somewhere amidst the fun he managed to loose his clothes, and I was wearing only my skirt! We spent a lot of time rolling around in different positions kissing, licking, sucking, rubbing and teasing each other before he donned the condom! I must admit that I particularly enjoyed rubbing his hard, throbbing cock against my soaking pussy and arse, not only because it allowed for some interesting photos, but also because it prolonged the tantalisingly exquisite sensual excitement. I’m not sure if it was the alcohol, relaxed environment, fact that I had been vigorously fisted or what but I did something that for me is almost unheard of… whilst straddling him I lent forward and whispered those magical words into his ear ‘you can stick your cock in any hole you want!’ Naturally this resulted in some good old-fashioned doggy style anal (much to Eeyore’s delight!) If only some of the others had turned up I could have had every hole filled simultaneously. That said I still thoroughly enjoyed it (and again later with Eeyore when nipples left… well fairs fair). I would have liked to spend more time sucking his cock, but the man is far too attentive for his own good! Lol That said he did finish standing above me, wanking over my open waiting mouth, Egged on by Eeyore telling him how much I enjoy the taste of cum… charming! Another good night, and a text the following morning started with the word ‘wow’… so fun was had by all, lol…. Roll on round 3!
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"Nice story. Wish I'd been there to share your pussy with 'nipples'. Like him, I adore munching on pussy. Really."
- Timbo1218

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 8:39:59 PM- It's maybe my only moral!
Blimey has it really been that long?… Well it’s high time that I updated this thing (before it metaphorically ‘heals over’wink

So… what’s been happening, apart from the obvious adult fun and depravity that Eeyore and I endure on a regular basis, I have been fortunate enough to meet with 2 new… erm… can’t think of a civilised ladylike word at this point so insert one of your own (no pun intended), as well as meeting with one of our ‘regulars’.

One of these ‘suitors’, let’s call him Mr Illusive, was an interesting chap. Pretty attractive, appeared as though looked after himself, hugely confident in his sexual abilities (almost to the point of arrogance… almost lol) and clean, but a tad, shall we say, shady. Now I am always very clear before I arrange to meet anyone that I only ever have sexual relations of any sort with single men and women;

1. Because I wouldn’t like it done to me

2. Because I don’t want angry other halves knocking at my door

3. Karma is a bitch!

I don’t have many morals but that is still definitely one of them. However, there are a select few that think they can be deceptive and meet up anyway. They are usually quickly ‘weeded out’, especially when they have specific times and places they can talk etc. etc. Mr Illusive however, right up until we met, did not display any of these usual secretive traits.

Call it women’s intuition if you want but something felt slightly different during the evening, don’t get me wrong the sex was good, he was fairly attentive and what he may have lacked in range he more than made up for in enthusiasm and stamina, but it was more his behaviour. It was more than the understandable nerves that some people get (myself included) this was something else. He seemed a bit shy I suppose (though in hindsight I think it was more ‘out of practise’ in this situation). I was wearing very little on this occasion anyway, in fact it was only underwear and a thin silk dressing gown, so it didn’t take him long to start to slowly peel it off my pale flesh and run his hands gently over my skin. I enjoyed sucking his responsively twitching cock before his sexually assertive nature took over and I was being pinned down in a range of different positions. He was a very passionate fuck, and I remember groaning as he xxxxxx himself deeper and deeper inside me with each exquisite thrust. He was a competent lover and used just the right amount of hair pulling to leave me feeling vulnerable yet sexually powerful (good man!)

Unfortunately, my suspicions have only been heightened since the event. He seems keen to meet again, which theoretically we wouldn’t be against but he is just so hard to pin down (quite literally). Contact is very much on his terms, and hey I can understand… discretion as it is a major factor for us as well, but it’s one of those feelings that hard to shake!.. Shame really because I probably feel more guilty about potentially upsetting someone that I don’t even know than he does about allegedly cheating (if of course this is the case… don’t sue me! Lol)
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"... do ya know I thought the very same thing!"
- Dem1981

Sunday, June 17, 2012, 8:09:33 PM- To do list!
Firstly, can I just say that everyone should have one of these! I don’t necessarily mean the fantasies that pretty much all of us have floating around in our subconscious, no… I mean an actual list of things that you can actually imagine yourself doing and/or things you wouldn’t shy away from if the opportunity presented itself. Almost every man I’ve spoken to about this has fantasised about having a threesome with 2 women… an in fairness many of these have trouble dealing with us one at a time… so in their case it ‘is’ a fantasy. I’m not saying that to sound harsh or big-headed I’m just a realist and it’s a cold hard fact!

Now, when your open minded and have been in my situation you may well have explored all the areas you wanted to (no pun intended) but believe it or not there is quite a bit I’d still like to try. My reasons for posting my list aren’t exactly unselfish… there is of course the part of me that merely wants to share my thoughts but, secretly I’m hoping they lead to me being able to ‘tick’ my list off!

Now. bear with me as this is kind of a working document. I will more than likely ‘blog’ about things as and when I am lucky enough to sample them and, as my mind often gets filled with unsavory thoughts, I will probably add more on over time too!

Remember too that these are things I have yet to try, but if you can think of anything that i either haven’t listed or blogged about yet then please feel free to comment as I am always open to new ideas and suggestions!
1.Sex with a black man
2.Threesome with 2 other women
3.Sex on a pool table (not very risky but hey it’s in there)
4.Sex on a train, motorbike or plane (boat, bus and car have been checked off)
5.Sex in a swimming pool, barn, garage or office
6.Gang-bang (no explanation needed)
7.Army, Navy, RAF and policeman. (not all at once… although..?!?!?!?)

Hmmm….. I’m sure there’s more than that, but as with most things when you actually have to sit down, think and write with some comprehensible clarity then the mind goes blank!

Anyway, Like I said before I am more than open to suggestions and would love it if you left me a comment or email with a few of your own… I may even pinch them and stick them on my list!

Love Lou

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Sunday, June 17, 2012, 8:08:40 PM- Swingers and roundabouts

I have never really considered myself as one of those people that is happy enough to lay back and ‘think of england’ during coital relations. On the contrary, I also try not to put the blame of an ‘average sexual encounter’ on just one side. It is an experience to be shared on both sides, each person should do what they can to both enhance the others pleasure and also to make it obvious that they themselves are actually ‘enjoying’ something. It shouldn’t be a guessing game, with all the pressure placed onto just one partners shoulders.

I am also a firm believer the the old addage that ‘variety is the spice of life’ and that just your run of the mill or ‘vanilla’ sexual habits aren’t going to keep many people satified for a prolonged period of time. Don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting that everyone needs to be swinging from the lightshade in full bondage gear with an apple up their arse (unless of course that’s your kinda thing), merely that we dont close our minds to new experiences… even if its something subtle like the place or position….. ‘nobody wants the same food at every meal do they!!!’

That said even I was surprised when a boyfriend sugessted swinging!.. What made it especially surprising for me was the fact that this particular could at times be the jealous type.. you know the sort! So ’sharing had never even entered my head as something we would try. I have to admit I was more than a little apprehensive to begin with, especially after we’d established that he wanted to watch me with other men to begin with… still, each to their own I suppose! My concern wasnt with the actual act (I wasn’t a novice at fucking), it was more with me having no idea how my boyfriend (let’s call him ‘eeyore’wink would react to the sight of me, the girl he had been so guarded with, fucking another person right in front of him!

There was also the question of ‘how’ to find said experimental fuck buddy!… Obviously we didn’t want to pick someone who lived to close by that knew us… ‘you don’t shit on your own doorstep!’ In view of the fact that discretion was required we reverted back to our good old friend ‘the freeads’ (I may well go into why we had previously used those in a blog about encounters with the fairer sex ;-P) That in itself showed how closed my mind had been up until that point… I thought that there would be very few men up for the task of ‘performing’ but no… there were loads of replies…. hundreds! After a fair few edits and even more unimpressive phone calls, we eventually found a few ‘potential’ guinea pigs!

The first we ‘tried out’ was a short stumpy chap, not unattractive… but reassuringly average (it’s always a intimidating if one has to breathe in the entire time!) and apart from his little slogan that he used to repeat wasn’t alltogether bad (we’ll call him ‘great days’wink…. He was very attentive, fairly confident, clean (that’s a massive bonus lol), quite easy going and thankfully not in the least bit clingy (something which I find hugely unsexy and in the past a real problem!) He liked to spend a short while relaxing into the enviroment, chatting and generally having a laugh, and then when ‘eeyore’ left the room to have a cigerette etc ’great days’ would lean over and kiss me, briefly at first but by the second or third time eeyore returned we were invariably getting a bit more into the swing of it (no pun intended) Like I mentioned before he was very attentive and enjoyed letting his hands wander while we kissed. Part of the thrill for ‘eeyore’, as well as the ‘live porn’ and getting to fuck the actress afterwards, was walking back into the room to find us all over each other. Don’t get me wrong ‘eeyore’ didn’t sit in the corner like some deranged sex addict ‘whacking one out’ whilst watching intently, instead he would just be relaxing in nearby either watching TV or whatever (I didnt pay that much attention lol) and glance over from time to time enjoying the ‘performance’!

Now I feel I should mention that ‘eeyore’ is 100% straight, never has there ever been the slightest suspicion that he likes ‘men’, which is part of the reason that we had to ‘filter’ out many of the applicants… the merest hint that they were bi and it was a definate ‘no go’.

The actual sex itself with ‘great days’ wasnt amazingly mind blowing, but he was easy to please (which in itself boosts both ones libido and ego) and the scenerio did add to the overall excitement. Another thing we liked about him was the fact that he didnt linger for too long afterwards for the awkward post sex conversation lol. After he had visited us a couple of times, we all felt comfortable to take things further, and I got to experience my first ’spitroast’….. well what can I say… ladies if yiu ever have the chance and your not a complete prood I can recommend it!!! (Oh I should just add that may be because I enjoy felatio anyway…. could be an issue having a spitroast if you don’t like sucking cock!) The whole sensation of being grasped firmly by your hips and being pulled back at the same time a man thrusts himself into you is fab on its own (especially with the occasional bout of hair pulling) but if his ‘thrusting’ in turn pushes your mouth further onto another mans cock at the same time, making you gag ,is emense! As with all good things, after a while we decided to move on to another ‘victim’ and we went our seperate way with no hard feelings (again with the puns!)

The second chap was very different, both physically and personality wise… again he wasnt drop dead gorgeous by any means…. none of us are…. but he did have a more confident air about him, bordering on arrogance! He was great for the most part though, because he was more confident he would turn up.. fuck me.. and piss off, perfect! No time wasted.. did what we needed.. then he was gone in plenty of time for me and ‘eeyore’ to get a good session in! We only saw him a couple of times however, because shortly before he was due round one evening I received a text asking me if I could avoid wearing perfume!?!?!…… Call me stupid but unless he had an allergic reaction to it I found the whole request suspicious! I replied asking him ‘why?’…. and when he said it was because his girlfriend would smell it on him I was livid!!! I know it must sound rather distorted that I should have such an issue with adultery per say but I do!….. Our add specifically said SINGLE ONLY… and I had thought I’d done all I could to vet everyone. Cheeky fucking bastard… of course it’s up to him how he chooses to conduct his business, but after I had repeatedly checked a bit of honesty and integrity would have been appreciated. What ‘eeyore’ and I choose to do is our own business, and as consenting adults we weren’t hurting anybody, but I was buggered if I was going to helo somebody else cheat on his girlfriend… plus can you inagine the aftermath had she found out!!! It’s never the blokes fault…. oh no it’s always down to some slutty little slag leading the poor little man astray….. Anyway rant over (apologies for that folks) let’s just say we didnt carry on down that road!

The third… was female… but I’ll go into that more seperately another time

The fourth (please bear in mind that the running order may be slightly muddled… it was a while ago) was a slightly different arrangement whereon I met with this chap (lets call him ‘leather’wink alone….. just once…. memorable for all the wrong reasons, lets just say he was into some unusual stuff …. and I was hugely embarrassed…. odd really because as time has gone on I’ve dabbled alot more and it wouldnt bother me now!?!?! Anywho, he was tall, slim and a bit of a charmer….. he really fancied himself and had that kind of chauvinistic arrogance that comes with men of a certain age, right at that point where experience meets dellusional! He definately knew what he was doing, and right from the moment he walked in the door he was all over me. It was a passionate, lusty affair, and I was loving how responsive he was to the slightest bit of attention… it didnt take long after I’d taken his cock into my mouth that he’d cum… what was a surprise however was the fact that he was ready again almost instantly.. the stamina of an 18 year old in the body of a nearly 50 something is a dangerous combination! Everything was normal for the most part… well good hot hard fucking but still your run of the mill stuff nothing outlandishly kinky… that was until (and I still have no idea to this day how he manged it) he made me pee!… Yep that’s right, I actually pee’d… I was mortified, and no before I you ask I hadn’t ’squirted’, (I know the difference from personal experience…. but that’s to come later lol) What’s worse is he loved it! Now don’t get me wrong… whatever floats your boat… but some warning would have been nice, so I could at least get used to the idea!!!…. Needless to say he was a one-off! Of course I had to explain in great detail the evenings events to ‘eeyore’ as was part of the arrangement, which amused him emmensley….. but then he’s a kinky git too lol.

Next, was the pilot! Or so he said, who knows for sure?… I mean it wasn’t like he flew a plane to my house and to be honest I did’t give a monkeys! All I knew was he was single, pretty fit and horny… job done! The sex wasn’t bad either… ‘eeyore’ didn’t join us but enjoyed fucking me to all the gory details afterwards!

The next exploit in our ’swinging’ experimentations was ‘hands’ (again only a nickname to protect his identity)… now if he were to read this he would know exactly why I’ve called him that! Again he was a bit older than some of the people I’d fucked, but there is alot to be said for experience. He was very tall, which I like.. but also had a similar air of self confidence that ‘leather’ had, that could almost be mistaken for arrogance. Now what an enjoyable eye-opener he was! The sex was good, but nothing major to report… his skills however laid in what he could do with his hands.

Maybe I should explain that up until this point I had only ever had clitoral orgasms, bloody great orgasms that they are, I had never experienced a g-spot orgasm during intercourse (or at any other time for that matter). ‘Hands’ knew this but said he liked a challenge, and boy did he rise to it… literally! Within minutes of his hands being at work in a kind of ‘come hither’ movement on the front wall of my vagina I was gushing juices everywhere (see, told you I knew the difference)… again and again and again! It was intense to say the least, and I was making sure that ‘eeyore’ paid particular attention as I know this would be a fun thing to try and re-create on our own. Despite this, and for reasons that are too boring to go into, ‘Hands’ only visited us once… but he definately made an impression of our sex life!

The mentally unstable one that ‘vomitted’…… is one of those better left forgotten! Eww…nuff said!

Another that joined us, bless him… let’s call him ‘Proff’, was ever so nervous… he was actually shaking. The sweat was pouring off of his head, and he ;looked terrified. Which is why it is even more admireable that he actually still managed to ‘get a stiffy’… hey maybe fear is what did it for him, who knows. Al I do know is that what he lacked in ability he made up for in effort. Very rarely (not never lol) during sex have I had to resist the urge to laugh. I could almost hear him counting in his head, and the perfectly co-ordinated, well practised and unspontanuous performance was at best passable, but like I said I couldn’t help but admire his moxy!… Again… only the once for him!

There were probably others, albeit less memorable… and of course there were many more that wouldnt come under the category of ’swinging’ lol but the most memorable, and probably most recent was ‘Butler’. Now ‘Butler’ was alltogether different again from anything I had ever tried before, and he himself needs his own blog entry! All I will say for now is that ‘this obediant submissive nymphomanic’ would never fuck the same again…. But I’ll save that for another day!

Love Lou xxxx
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 9:15:09 PM- the Fairer sex
Evening all!

Now then, no self respecting whore can possible consider herself truely openminded if she hasn’t herself sampled what the ‘fairer sex’ has to offer!

I have always been in to the idea of experimenting with other girls, and to be honest I think that any women who tells you that the idea has never crossed her mind is lying!… Even if the very thought of it did ‘nothing for her’ or infact actually turned her stomach… she has at least thought about it!

Anyway, not counting the random female kisses that I’ve encountered over the years (and a brief ‘fool around’ with a close school friend), I reckon that I’ve probably only slept with about 3 women.

The first was when I was about 18 I suppose. We met through the age old medium of the ‘freeads’,

‘bi-curious female seeks similar for fun & friendship’… that kinda thing

There were a few scary replies, some were alltogether enough to put me off entirely, but the most normal one seemed ok! We chatted a few times on the phone and decided that it might be a nice idea to meet up in a pub. I took my bf and she took hers (strange I know) and it was fine, I mean it was obviously a bit awkward at first but she was easy to get along with a little younger than me and unthreateningly attractive! We carried on speaking on the phone and met a few times before me and (lets call her ‘cast’wink decided on a night out clubbing. We thought it best if I stay over at hers, as she lived alot nearer the club so I took my things round and got ready there too. She ran me a bath, and other than your usual girly messing around - dressing infront of each other, doing each others hair and make-up etc, we got ready as normal. We visited a few pubs on our way to the club (like you do!) and as the evening went on, and our blood alcohol content increased we soon began to relax and loose our inhibitions! We danced in the dark club, giggling as we clumsily bumped into each other on the cramped dancefloor. Soon after we had gotten into the taxi to leave I felt her lean in close to me, I turned my head to look at her and she kissed me softly on the lips. We let our lips linger on each others for a while and as I pulled away in a drunken haze she smiled and let her hand slowly move across my stomach before grabbing round the waist and pulling me in closer. We kissed again, this time more passionately. Our tongues explored each others mouths and all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off! Much to the poor taxi drivers dismay we left the real raunchy stuff for when we got home. She pulled me up the stairs to her flat, and no sooner was her door shut we were all over each other again. The advantage to fucking a woman is that the design of the clothes is very familiar so within no time at all we had taken each others clothes off. We carried on kissing as we flopped down onto her bed, our hands exploring each others body. Her body quivered as my hands moved over her smooth naked flesh, and she let out a small murmur as I gently kissed all the way down he body toward her pussy. I can still remember how sweet she tasted and the force of her pushing my face to her clit as she let her hips grind against me still makes my pussy moist now. We rolled around on the bed for what seemed like hours, exploring each others body, bringing the other to climax repeatedly in a such soft sensual way, that I have yet to experience with a man. We lay shivering in the dark, but not because we were cold, but because our bodies were still electric with the intense excitement and exhausted at the same time. There way lay until the morning.. and my bf came to collect me! We met a few times, but we didn’t stay in contact for a great length of time afterwards.

The second time the opportunity arose was quite a few years later. I was alot less nervous this time, but I still felt the tingle of excitement when we spoke on the phone. Now I met this lady (lets call her Gin) on the internet, some website or other, anyway as with before we spoke a few times on the phone but I made the mistake of not actually meeting her somewhere neutral first. Now people… be warned, never trust a static photo or peoples descriptions of themselves! I’m no oil painting myself, dont get me wrong, everyone has their flaws.. that’s what makes life interesting, but for that very reason I always make sure that I give people as much information as possible to avoid disappointment! Now, Gin didnt lie about how she looked, she just omitted a few key features!… Regardless of that small fact however I didnt not want to seem like a rude host, so I did the next best thing posible… and got bladdered!!! Once I was relaxed and blury eyed the whole thing seemed more doable…. (something which I have since learnt is never a good thing… trust your gut people!) Needless to say the whole thing from start to finish was enough to turn a girl straight! The good thing about her boobs was that they covered her stomach so I busied myself and attempted to distract her attentions from me by burying m head between her legs. She was clumsy and heavy-handed in her efforts to the point that she caused physical pain… nobody likes serious biting people!!! Learn it… know it… nibbling yes ‘biting’ NO! So as not to suffer alone I dragged ‘eeyore’ in on the action… but his surprised excitement was soon replaced with a look of distress and the words ‘get her off me’… lol small revenge but didnt leave him to suffer for long. Needless to say, we didnt meet again, and I’m ashamed to say that I was a real ‘bloe’ about the whole thing… ‘I’ll call you!’…. Sorry Gin!

The most recent wasnt nearly as eventful or exciting, it was with a mutual friend (again not necessarily advised) that I’ll refer to as ‘polo’. Now this woman, managed to get me into bed on the pretence of a 3some with my bf. It became clear very quickly that she wasnt alltogether fussed with ‘girl-on-girl’ fun, but I saw my chance and enjoyed lapping at her soft wet pussy. I find it incredibly horny having a sexually aroused woman clitting herself off against my face, tasting, sucking, licking and nibbling every inch of her. She however was more taken with my bf it seemed, and it was soon apparent that I needn’t have been there… he’s easily as good at me at cunnilingtus (he’ had more practise … lol) so other than a reshuffle my absence may not even have been noticed! That said a pussy is a pussy.. and I got my fun out of it too!

Although my experiences with women hasn’t always been hugely successful (neither have all my fucks in general actually) I am still very open to the idea of sampling more…. though I prefer my women on a 1-2-1 basis. So much so that when left alone to my own devices I favour lesbian porn…. maybe these things are best left to fantasy in the future… time will tell, one thing I do know though… no matter how soft wet and smooth the pussy… I can’t get enough cock!

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Monday, June 11, 2012, 7:50:21 PM- Mistress
Evening all

Now then, I have been writing a blog for a little while now but I'd like to tell you about one of my more unusaul sexual encounters that sticks in my memory, for all number of reasons!.

My boyfriend (let's call him 'Eeyore') and I occasionally enjoy a bit of what some might call swinging (although technically for the most part our version is commonly refered to as ‘cuckhold')We met up a chap that I had been chatting to online, who I will refer to as ‘Butler’...

He was a tad older than us, average height, very easy going and non-aggressive, laid back and easy to chat to… oh and did I mention a bloody fantastic body that could make me moist with the merest flash of flesh!

Now as a general rule, prior to our tryst, I would have firmly placed myself in the category of submissive. Not only was I turned on my dominant men, but the idea of being sexually obediant, attentive and controlled all added to the erotic pleasure for me. Obviously as with all healthy sex lives we would spice it up a bit, swap roles etc for light BDSM play and that too had it’s appeal, but even that would usually end with him overpowering me, after having been teased for an amount of time until he could take it no longer and fuck me like a whore (to put it bluntly). So when I got chatting to someone who wanted completely the opposite, nobody was more surprised than me that I actually agreed.

I was so nervous beforehand, more so than I had ever been meeting up for any other kind of sex. This was different, I was way out of my comfort zone, didn’t really know what to expect and probably worst of all whether or not I was actually going to be any good at it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not claiming to be the most fantastic fuck in the world, but I know what I like, I enjoy what I do… and I always have a ‘positive end result’ wink I took it upon myself, as any good little slut should, to research exactly what it took to be a mistress. As with any fetish it ranged from simple spanking and bondage to full on foot worship and arse fucking.

On the evening ‘Butler’ was due round I made sure I had a range of oils, scarves, handcuffs, a belt and a dildo (just incase), I’m not ashamed to say that I also needed some ‘dutch courage’ and after some vino, loads of red lipgloss and an incredibly skimpy LBD & knee high boots I was ready. Thankfully he seemed just as nervous as me to begin with, but I soon warmed to the characteristics my new ’slave’ displayed. Extremely complimentary of how I looked, highy attentive physically responsive to the slightest touch. I ordered him to strip, and actually shocked myself at the sterness of how I asked. I wasted little time in handcuffing him to a chair and blindfolding him with a scarf, and pouring oil over his bare skin to watch it trickle down. I enjoyed rubbing it in, as it teased him to the point that it made his already stiff cock twitch. I straddled him so that he could feel my bare thighs above my stockings and damp pussy against him. I ground my clit slowly against his throbbing cock until we both groaned with pleasure… then I stopped and stepped away. I walked round the back of him and started taking off what little I had on, making sure I was leaning in close enough that he could feel it. Once the throbbing in his cock had subsided I knelt infront of him and took him into my mouth. I sucked long and deep, then pulled my head back to stimulate his head with my tongue before plunging my mouth back down over his shaft. I continued this for the short while it took for his breathing to become heavy, he was groaning and fidgeting on the chair, trying to thrust his pelvis futher towards me… then I stopped… He moaned again, his cock ached at being brought so close but wasn’t allowed to cum. I slowly unlocked the cuffs, removed the blindfold and allowed him only a few seconds to run his hands over my breasts and down my body. I stood and pulled him up off the seat, then lay on the sofa and spread my legs so he could watch me finger myself… his hands quickly reached for his own cock so I felt it necessary to scald him for being a ‘disobedient little shit’, he felt a sharp slap to his face and I used the belt this time to tie his hands behind his back. I laid down again infront of his and made him watch while I made myself cum, and when I decided that he had suffered enough I ordered him to kneel down and lap up the juices that were flowing from my shaven cunt. Again I felt the intensity building and we both enjoyed me grinding myself against his face. I quickly made him lie on the floor face up so that I could squat above him and continue grinding. The juices glistened on his face, and I moved just enough that I could pull his face towards mine and kiss him hard, letting my tongue explore the taste of my pussy in his mouth. I couldn’t believe how incredibly sexy and empowered I felt. This wasn’t at all like me, but I had no intention of stopping now. I lubed up my dildo and to both our surprise I shoved it up his arse, slowly slliding it all the way in. I fucked him like this for a while, before ’sheathing up’ and jumping on… I left the vibe in his arse as we rolled around on the floor, finishing with him on top. You may think that sounds like what I’m used to but the fact that I reached round and continued to abuse his arse with the dildo at the same time made it a whole different game! He came with what sounded like an immense orgasm and we both lay panting on the floor. Good times!

Not bad for a first attempt I thought, and since then I’ve been exploring my darker side. Like the time I used ice cubes and hot wax on his bare skin (including cock) alternately to cause intense extremes of temperature which induced an almost pleasure/pain sensation. Or the time that I left him with his hands tied high above his head until they hurt whilst he watched ‘eeyore’ finger me until I groaned and gushed everywhere. We’ve experimented with spanking, though to be fair I use the term ‘we’ loosely as it basically involved me slapping, and whipping his arse, face and cock with different instruments including a ruler and riding crop, and mild strangulation (though of course, this should never be taken lightly). I even put a metal dog lead/chain in the freezer then wrapped the icy steel tight around his cock and balls…. I even took it upon myself to piss on him in the shower! and how good is this for a girl that until now was highly submissive… I even managed to make him drink his own piss as a forfeit for playing with his cock without my permission, and as added punishment I once ordered him to lick ‘eeyores’ cum off of my tit’s … who knew I could be such a bitch… and actually quite like it! I particularly enjoy it on the occasions when ‘eeyore’ joins us and I have to be submissive to him, yet dominate ‘Butler’… very horny, especially when it involes DP, spitroast and of course bukkake!

Any more suggestions… and I’d love to hear them (and if I try them out I’ll post how it turns out!)
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